Cardiorespiratory Training for Fitness Goals

There are several components to an effective conditioning and weight loss program: nutrition, warm-up, flexibility training, strength training, muscular endurance training, cardiovascular training, and cool down. While there are many diet and resistance training programs, cardiorespiratory conditioning is often overlooked -- but shouldn't be.

By using all of the components of cardiorespiratory training (aerobic, anaerobic threshold, and anaerobic), you can burn more calories, reduce the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, and improve your performance in everyday activities (such as work, recreational sports, etc.). The key to cardiorespiratory training is intervals.

The benefits of interval training are:

In achieving weight loss, the amount of fat burned during the day is even more important than how much fat is burned during a workout. Studies have shown that interval training raises metabolism after a workout and keeps it higher for a longer period than any "steady state" workout.

Your Cardiorespiratory Training for Fitness program begins with a fitness assessment:

Based on this data, we will develop a 12-week cardiorespiratory program for you, incorporating interval training utilizing your three heart rate training zones. Each individual program will work on cardio strength, leg strength, heart rate recovery, and improved endurance.

There are several options for cardiorespiratory workouts: walk/jog/run, stationary bicycle, spin bike, elliptical fitness machine, Stairmaster, deep water jogging, etc.

It is strongly recommended that participants use a heart rate monitor for their cardiorespiratory training.

Specialized Cardiorespiratory Training Programs

Specialized training programs are available for individual circumstances, including:

Body Composition Goals

Fitness Goals for Special Populations

How do I begin?

Contact Coach Ken Johnson at for your initial assessment and to discuss developing your complete fitness program.