Tri . . . and Accomplish!

3-Fitness Triathlon & Personal Training llc

Optimal Performance Training at Home

One of the advantages of the Optimal Performance Training method from NASM is that you don't necessarily have to go to a gym or health club to do your workouts. With a bit of equipment, you can set up your own fitness facility at home. Here's what you'll need:

Stability Ball

Stability Ball(also known as Swiss Ball or Fitness Ball)

Many exercises will be done on a stability ball. This forces your core muscles at activate and get stronger while you are working on specific parts of the body. Be sure to purchase a stability ball that is the correct size for your height.



Balance and Full body strength exercises utilize a step. There are many types available; look for a height of 8 to 12 inches.

biofoam roller

Foam Roller

Biofoam rollers are used for self massage (Myofascial Release) during warm-up and cool-down. This will "break up" knots in your muscles. Choose a round roller to start. Half rollers can be used for additional balance work. Alternatives are The Stick or even an old tennis ball.

The Stick

The Stick

Many runners own "The Stick", a product to segmentally compress and stretch muscle. It is highly effective in the treatment of muscle pain and trigger points.



For your strength work, you will need a set of dumbbells. Depending on your current fitness level, you can start with sets of 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, and 20 pounds.

Power System Logo

Many of these products are available online from Power Systems Sports Performance and Fitness Equipment. Since 1986, Power Systems, Inc. has been a leading provider of health, exercise, sport performance, and fitness equipment. Power Systems supplies coaches, athletes and fitness experts with a wide assortment of quality sport and fitness training equipment.

For more information on our personal trainer services, please contact Ken Johnson at:  or use our handy Contact Form.

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The National Academy of Sports Medicine is dedicated to transforming lives and revolutionizing the health and fitness industry through unwaivering committment to deliver innovative education, solutions and tools that produce remarkable results.

National Academy of Sports Medicine

Personal Training from the National Academy of Sports Medicine

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Triathlon coaching and personal training offered through the LakeView RecPlex, Pleasant Prairie, WI